Cryptonice 1.0 documentation

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Making crypto… nice!

Cryptonice is a command-line tool and Python library that allows a user to examine the TLS configuration, certificate information, web application headers and DNS records for one or more supplied domain names. Cryptonice is built heavily upon the excellent SSLyze and Cryptography Python libraries.

Using default arguments Cryptonice will scan the target site on port 443, check for port 80 to 443 redirects, look for DNS CAA records, test the TLS connection and certificate and check for the availability of HTTP/2, HSTS and other security headers.

Currently Supported:

  • Windows: Executable, Python scripts and library
  • Mac: Python scripts and library
  • Ubuntu 20.04: Python scripts and library

Coming Soon:

  • Mac executables
  • Other Linux distros

Sample output of Cryptonice command line usage:

Cryptonice sample output

For more ideas on how to use Cryptonice view the Examples pages.

Getting help

Need some help? Start here…

Getting Started

Understand what Cryptonice is and how it can help you.
Get Cryptonice installed on your computer.
Command Line
Learn the different command line parameters to customize your scan.
See some examples of basic command line usage of Cryptonice.

Advanced API Use

Using the Cryptonice library in your own code.
A description of each of the scanning and testing modules within Cryptonice.

Indices and tables